HOME PAGE / BLOG / Preschool Education Tips For Parents
Last Update Date: 15 April 2021

Preschool, also known as nursery school, play school or kindergarten, is an early childhood education program for children between 3 to 5 years of age. This period is very important. Its effects last a lifetime and prepare them for future jobs. Although preschool education isn’t compulsory, many parents choose to enrol their children as it provides a place to learn basic concepts and play with other children.


There are many preschool learning materials you can access for your child, which will help prepare them for primary school. Here are our recommendations below.

1- Books

We recommend selecting books with simple puzzles, geometric shapes and colours. Look out for exercises such as colouring in practices, connect-the-dots pictures, and learning to recognise basic shapes. For activities involving crafts and scissors, ensure an adult is always supervising to prevent any accidents.

2- Websites

There are some fantastic learning websites for toddlers and young children. Young kids love interactive content, so be sure to include a lot of videos and animations.

However, parents do need to be careful when selecting websites and ensure the content is age-appropriate and safe.

MentalUP is here to make everything easier for parents. In our previous articles, we mentioned educational games for 4 year olds and learning games for 5 year olds. Don’t forget to check them, too. 🎡

3- Games

Games are a great way to combine learning and play together. We recommend using the best apps for kindergarten like MentalUP, an edutainment game for children of all ages developed by academics and child education specialists.

When each child joins MentalUP, they’ll be given a selection of questions to answer. This will determine the difficulty level of the exercises they’ll encounter in the app. As they improve their problem-solving and analytical thinking skills over time, the tasks will progressively become harder.

The MentalUP Preschool Education Curriculum allows young children to develop new skills and have fun at the same time through its wide range of game-based learning exercises. MentalUP is a trusted learning tool among parents and teachers, and its positive impact on children has been recognised with pedagogical product certification.

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Question 1: When should I send my child to preschool?

The correct answer will vary according to your child’s level of development and family structure. However, the general advice is to send children to preschool education when they are three years old. This ensures that the child’s early years are spent at home with the primary carer.

Question 2: What are the benefits of preschool?

Preschool education has many benefits as it provides your child with a place to interact with new adults and a group of peers. This can encourage the development of your child’s personal interests and skills. The opportunity to learn, play with educational toys for preschoolers, and socialize at preschool will have a positive impact on your child’s physical and social development.

Preschool also encourages children to:

  1. Prepare for primary school.
  2. Regularly communicate and play with new adults and children.
  3. Learn to share with their peers.
  4. Practice their reading and writing skills.
  5. Develop problem-solving skills.
  6. Learn to follow rules and structured days.
  7. Improve their concentration and attention spans.

Question 3: Is preschool education compulsory?

In the US, it’s not compulsory for children under 6. In the UK, education is only compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 16 years old, although it begins at 4 years of age in Northern Ireland. Since September 2010, all three and four-year-olds in England are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education for 38 weeks of the year.

In the EU, preschool varies amongst countries. As of September 2018, France will hold the lowest compulsory age at 3 years old. However, the majority of countries in Europe require children to begin their schooling at age five or six.

Question 4: Why is preschool important?

Preschool occurs during a key period of a child’s life. During adolescence, up to 50% of mental development is completed in the first four years, with more than 30% completed by the age of 8. A preschool education, whether at an official childcare centre or informally at home, is crucial to helping your child develop socially and emotionally at an important time in their growth.