Take Online Photographic Memory Test

How to know if you have a photographic memory? Well, you will understand it soon with the best online photographic memory tests and photographic memory games. After you complete them, you can improve your abilities! Ready to challenge yourself?

Find and Order Photographic Memory Test Game

Photographic Memory Test for Child

This photographic memory test for kids will test their memory besides short-term memory and visual attention skills.

Face Recognition Photographic Memory Test Game

Face Memory Test Game

This online photographic memory test will test your memory besides visual attention and verbal memory

Seen Many Times Photographic Memory Test Game

Memory Test Pictures

This eidetic memory test for kids will test their memory besides short-term memory and sustained attention skills.

What Changed Photographic Memory Test Game

Picture Memory Test

This eidetic memory test will test your memory besides visual scanning and spatial memory skills.

These memory quiz games are created by experts according to scientific research results. They’re all designed as fun memory test games form. Moreover, these mental exercises are suitable to be used as games for dementia patients to boost their minds!

Photographic Memory Game

Photographic Memory Game

This photographic memory test will test your memory besides your visual recognition and short-term memory skills.

Memory Test Game

Memory Test Game

This online photographic memory test will test your memory besides visual memory and visual recognition skills.

Find and Order Photographic Memory Test Game

Memory Quiz

This eidetic memory test will test your memory besides your spatial memory and long-term memory skills.

Test for Photographic Memory

Test for Photographic Memory

This photographic memory test will test your memory besides your visual attention and visual scanning skills.

Why You Should Take Our Photographic Memory Tests?

What Is Photographic Memory?

Now, you have some answers about your photographic memory and eidetic memory matching skills. But do you know what photographic memory actually is and how you can develop it? Let’s dive in.

Who wouldn’t want a memory as enhanced – and extraordinary – as of the characters from the movies? When you think about it, there wouldn’t be a quiz you’d fail, a task you’d forget, or a job that you couldn’t do.

That’s why most parents start training their children’s memory skills from an early age with plenty of brain puzzles, numbers, and educational toys with pictures.

For parents who are looking for a photographic memory test for their child, we’ve got the best photographic memory test for kids! 📚

Before learning the details, don’t forget to take our free online test now to discover how great your children’s or your memory skills are! 🏆


We know that the idea of remembering every single detail of an image, reciting the exact lines of a book you had read almost 10 years ago, and recalling the events that happened when you were only two is amazing. However, a case of an actual photographic memory has never been reported yet.

On the other hand, just before quitting looking for signs your child has a photographic memory, you need to know eidetic memory. If you’re not looking for a picture-perfect memory, eidetic memory is an enhanced memory skill that is quite fascinating as well.

So keep reading to figure out how these two memory types differentiate from each other and why some signs of photographic memory actually are eidetic memory.

Eidetic Memory vs. Photographic Memory: What Are the Differences?

As it is nearly impossible for a person to recall every single memory that they have, there are people that have a more advanced memory of images and pictures than others. They are called Eidetikers, referring to their eidetic memory.

eidetic memory test

So, we have already explained that photographic memory, the condition of intentionally recalling every memory from any time whenever you want, is a myth. Eidetic memory, on the other hand, is real and possible.

Eidetic memory is the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a very short period after seeing it only once. The ability to see an object only lasts for a few seconds and very rarely minutes after it is no longer present.

Eidetic memory is reported to occur in a small number of children (it has been found in 2 to 10 percent of children aged 6 to 12) and is generally not found in adults.

It is believed that the underlying reason for that is when people get older, they rely on their language and other cognitive skills more, so they do not require as many visual stimuli and rely less on their isual memory systems.

Visual memory test pictures can give an opinion about how strong your child's memory is. Feel free to take our eidetic memory test for kids whenever you want to track your children's memory development! Also, you can check our visual memory exercises to support the memory.

Do you ask yourself the question, "Do I have a photographic memory?" Now you have a good guess with MentalUP's photographic memory quiz samples! You may also consider taking our visual memory test for spot-on results. 💯

MentalUP offers 150+ picture memory games and other photographic memory exercises to boost your skills daily. Do your memory a favor; make it as strong as it can be! 🚀


Note: As we mentioned just above, a case of an actual photographic memory has never been reported yet. Since there is no proven case or study on photographic memory, this article is for informative purposes only. When you need a more professional evaluation, you can take our Leiter International Performance Scale test and make sure that you are aware of your cognitive skills.