What Is Linguistic Intelligence? 10 Habits to Improve It

When we're talking to someone we don't know or telling a joke to a friend, we all use this particular capacity of our mind - verbal intelligence!

linguistic intelligence

Have you ever been surprised to see a child talking just like an adult?

Children who manage to impress adults around them with what they ask and say are considered to have the potential for high verbal linguistic intelligence!

So, what is verbal intelligence? What is the significance of having a high potential for linguistic intelligence? And which teaching strategies are the best for linguistic learners? Let’s find out!

What Is Verbal Linguistic Intelligence?

Verbal linguistic intelligence definition is a person’s ability to understand and reason using concepts framed in words. It is also defined as a person’s ability to use words and their combinations effectively when it comes to analyzing information, communication, and problem-solving. In broader terms, it is linked to problem solving, abstract reasoning, and working memory.

Linguistic intelligence is one of the intelligence types you may find out you have after taking Howard Gardner's eight multiple intelligences test. It implies the ability to understand and use spoken and written language. This can include expressing oneself effectively through speech or the written word and the ability to learn foreign languages.

verbal linguistic intelligence

Verbal/linguistic intelligence is defined by Howard Gardner himself as sensitivity to the meaning and order of words, sounds, rhythms, inflections, phonology, syntax, pragmatics, and different functions of language.

All people benefit from linguistic verbal intelligence. From a simple letter to writing a novel to speak to one another, we all use our verbal-linguistic intelligence in many language-related activities.

NOTE: Every child can develop verbal skills with the help of various linguistic intelligence exercises! 📝✨

You can try MentalUP, the award-winning app that will support your child in discovering their linguistic intelligence potential. 🤩


Howard Gardner, a renowned Harvard University professor, includes verbal linguistic intelligence in his theory of multiple intelligences. Although all people have verbal-linguistic intelligence, some have higher intelligence potential.

The unforgettable names of world literature, such as William Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Edgar Allan Poe, are excellent examples of people with high linguistic verbal intelligence.

What Is a Verbal (Linguistic) Learner?

After learning about linguistic intelligence, everyone starts to wonder about “what is a verbal learner.” Verbal learners are people with high linguistic intelligence that can take advantage of linguistic learning style. It means that a verbal linguistic learner can easily study materials that include written and spoken language.

Because verbal learners enjoy reading, this is a huge opportunity to improve their knowledge. To describe ways in which a verbal/linguistic learner prefers to learn, we can say that they may have a problem visualizing information, but they can easily learn new languages, and their memory helps them remember new words and quotes.

verbal linguistic learner

Linguistic Intelligence Examples

Reading specific linguistic intelligence examples can help people understand the signs of verbal learning styles better. Even if there are lots of verbal linguistic intelligence examples, here are the most common ones:

  • Because of words come easy to people with linguistic intelligence, they enjoy public speaking.
  • They love playing word games as the most significant linguistic intelligence example.
  • They have impressive debating skills because they can easily detect the mistakes in a logic, and find right words to show it.
  • Linguistic learners are great at doing crossword puzzles, because learning new and sometime very old words are one of the most important verbal linguistic examples.
  • Journal keeping may seem like a hobby, but it’s more than that! Researchers admit that keeping journal is a great example of verbal-linguistic intelligence.

Characteristics of Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

People with linguistic intelligence characteristics enjoy all types of wordplay. It gives them a pleasure to read and write about any topic, and they like to learn new languages.

Seemingly boring and confusing sentence structures can become a great source of entertainment for these people. Complex sentences and word structures give them pleasure.

People with characteristics of verbal linguistic intelligence can learn new words and language rules in a short amount of time and use them effectively.

Here are other characteristics with what are some strengths and weaknesses of a strong verbal/linguistic intelligence:

  • Love to read and write
  • Strong editing skills
  • Enjoy learning cool, meaningful and rare words
  • Talk about what they read
  • Remember excerpts from books
  • Love punctuation and rhythm in texts
  • Enjoy dealing with foreign languages, as well as their mother tongue
  • May have a problem to visualize information

What Is Verbal IQ?

Verbal IQ test is a selected subtest from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, designed to provide a measure of an individual's overall verbal skills.

What does it mean to have a high verbal IQ?

High verbal IQ implies lexical knowledge, verbal memory, the ability to understand and manipulate syntax and the capacity to utilize symbolic language. linguistic learning style

What does it mean to have a low verbal IQ?

Poor verbal comprehension often refers to a low verbal IQ. These children generally can share their thoughts verbally but are challenged in written expression because of their lack of lexical knowledge and syntax manipulation skills. As children get older, it may manifest itself as hardship in: understanding what other kids say, following a fluid conversation by making comments, sharing their emotions, and drawing meaningful conclusions. So improving verbal style communication is important.

Take a Verbal Linguistic Intelligence Test

If you wonder about what is the verbal linguistic intelligence test; prepare yourself to discover! But before that, you should learn how to beat the verbal linguistic intelligence test by reading everything above.

When you're ready, would you like to do a simple verbal intelligence test for your child or yourself? Check out our free Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence tests:

Verbal Ability Test

Verbal Ability Test

Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Test

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Test

Verbal IQ Test

Verbal IQ Test

How to Improve Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence? 10 Habits to Improve It

We are all born with a certain level of verbal-linguistic intelligence potential and wonder how to improve verbal-linguistic intelligence more. Our environment and resources determine how far we can benefit from this potential.

Along with the development of emotional intelligence, musical intelligence, and mathematical intelligence, and existential intelligence for kids, the development of language intelligence can also be improved with regular exercises and linguistic activities.

Build your linguistic skills with verbal linguistic activities while having fun! 🤩

As with all intelligence types, it is possible to develop linguistic verbal intelligence. 📝 For this, verbal intelligence skills should be regularly practised. 🎯

Along with 10 million+ users, your child can use MentalUP to improve their memory, attention, logic, visual, and verbal skills. 🥳✨

Discovering their potential will also support your kids’ academic success. MentalUP is here to help all of these! 🏆


Here are the most important tips for your child to improve their linguistic verbal intelligence:

1. Benefit from MentalUP

Puzzles, brain words games, English games for kids, and letter games are among the most effective and entertaining ways to develop a child’s verbal intelligence.

verbal linguistic intelligence for kids

Developing verbal intelligence with MentalUP's 150+ games of verbal linguistic intelligence for kids is both educational and entertaining.

2. Increase reading activities

Stories, poems, plays, and news... Encourage your child to read wide-ranging texts in as many genres as possible. This will also help them with problems such as phonological disorder.

3. Encourage your child to socially interact

Taking part in debates and discussions helps to develop verbal intelligence. Debating and discussion are one of the most effective ways to understand people and respond to them verbally. If you need to start the process in a fun way, you can always benefit from would you rather questions for kids or never have i ever questions for kids.

verbal linguistic intelligence for kids

This suggestion can easily be the answer of how to improve and how to use verbal-linguistic intelligence in the classroom!

4. Stimulate your child’s imagination

Encourage your child to actively connect with the power of creative thinking, and even prompt them to develop their own creative work. You can benefit from various imagination games for kids for that. as one of the most important verbal linguistic intelligence activities for preschoolers.

5. Motivate your child to keep a journal

Keeping a journal is a great idea when it comes to keeping track of new information and practicing newly acquired verbal expressions.

6. Encourage them to write letters to a penpal

Although it is rare to write letters these days, it is a great way to improve your child’s composition skills.

activities verbal linguistic intelligence pdf

In the age of technology, sending letters via email or even social media such as Whatsapp can be an alternative way of sending a letter. Many famous writers from the past are known to have been prolific letter writers.

7. Teach your child a new language

Learning a new language helps children to consolidate the knowledge of their own language, strengthen their linguistic intelligence, and improve their memory.

8. Use a new word a day practice

You can use a new word a day practice with your children to build up a stronger vocabulary and boost their verbal ability as one of the greatest verbal linguistic intelligence activites for 1st grade.

9. Ask your child to use what they learn

One of the best ways to improve verbal ability is by using the words, phrases and expressions they learn in a new word a day practice.

how to develop verbal linguistic intelligence

Encourage your children to incorporate them into a discussion with someone else or their writing practices. The more they use the new words, the easier they are to remember.

10. Have conversations with your child

Another effective way of improving your children’s linguistic intelligence is through conversation. Use every opportunity to talk about a variety of subjects with them and learn about their ideas and opinions.

Careers for Linguistic Intelligence

As Albert Einstein said, "In fact, everyone is a genius!". His point was not to judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree but by its ability to swim.

In the world of Education 4.0 great career opportunities await people with high potential for linguistic verbal intelligence. In fact, because of linguistic learners have skills of listening, reading, writing and teaching at most, linguistic intelligence careers is hard to limit off.

Here are some of the most popular careers that linguistic intelligence owners prefer:

  • Copywriter
  • Editor
  • Translator
  • Lawyer
  • Critic
  • Historian
  • Journalist
  • Writer
  • Poet
  • Teacher
  • Publisher
  • TV or Radio Presenter
  • Speech Therapist
  • Librarian
  • Public Speaker
  • Interpreter

Jobs for verbal-linguistic intelligence offer lots of opportunities to learn, research, write and speak for people with high linguistic intelligence, so most of these jobs are the choices that they can do successfully and happily!

We anticipate that we will add more new world professions to this list for years to come. Remember that by developing yourself, you can become an excited member of these wonderful verbal linguistic intelligence careers in the near future.

Which Celebrities Has Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence?

What about getting to know celebrities with high verbal linguistic intelligence? Making a list full of famous person with verbal linguistic intelligence is not easy, but here are the world-known celebrities we’ve compiled for you!


William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. He wrote comedies, tragedies, and historical plays in England.

verbal linguistic intelligence famous person

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a baptist and social activist who played a huge role in the American civil rights movement.

verbal linguistic intelligence celebrities

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is a British author of the popular fantasy novel series, Harry Potter.

verbal linguistic intelligence celebrity

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer, politician and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States.

linguistic intelligence famous people

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is one of the most famous poets in the world. She is especially known for her original style of poetry.

which celebrity has verbal/linguistic intelligence

Why Is Linguistic Intelligence Important?

Did you know that language has been used by humankind for approximately 5,200 years?

Verbal-linguistic intelligence can shape a person's entire social life even if they don’t have linguistic learning style and either way it is crucial for academic success:

  • In order to be successful in some courses like literature, children must have above average linguistic verbal intelligence potential.
  • Throughout history, leaders of our world have all benefited from their high verbal intelligence.
  • In the age of Industry 4.0, many jobs are automated with machines. This means verbal intelligence, which machines will never have, will become a key point of difference in the future.
  • Individuals with high verbal intelligence and can establish healthier relationships and become more solution-oriented.
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