Musical Intelligence: 8 Activities for Kids

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Last Update Date: 18 August 2021

Characteristics of Kids with Strong Musical Intelligence

In our article on 8 types of multiple intelligences, we elaborated on the multiple intelligences theory proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 and explained how to determine which intelligence type your kids may have by taking the Multiple Intelligence Test.

Now, we are going to discover musical intelligence examples, games, and activities that will improve your kids’ musical abilities and the musical/rhythmic intelligence careers they can pursue.

musical intelligence

But first, let’s start with the definition: What is musical intelligence?

Musical intelligence is one of Gardner’s intelligence types and includes one’s appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness and the ability to produce tone, rhythm, pitch, and timbre. It refers to the skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.

Below are the characteristics of children with musical rhythmic intelligence:

  • They have the ability to learn songs or play musical instruments.
  • They have a great sense of rhythm.
  • They are good at dancing.
  • They can identify different instruments played in a song.
  • They seek patterns in their environment and use them to remember things.
  • They can easily memorize words in different languages.
  • They can easily remember songs.
  • They have a high level of understanding of musical structure and notes.

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8 Activities to Boost Musical Intelligence

1. MentalUP Musical Intelligence Exercises & Games

Musical intelligence activities are great for getting them up and moving while having fun. Not only that, music has a huge impact on a child's development in many ways, including motivational, motor, visual, emotional, and social development. It is possible for your children to develop their musical intelligence with naturalistic intelligence or emotional intelligence games.

Also, music can be a great teacher and a source of fun for kids. Most children can learn new things with the help of music. Learning how to count, how to say the alphabet, and how to pronounce certain words is just one of them. Children with auditory learning styles can learn much more effectively, especially with the help of music.

If you agree with us but are not really sure where to start, check out MentalUP’s easy-to-play music games for kids!


Musical Instruments

This musical intelligence game helps improve visual memory, aural memory, and decision-making skills.



Are you looking for signs of musical intelligence in your kid? This game can tell you much about that.

dwarf giant

Giant Dwarf

This game is one of the best musical intelligence activities for preschoolers! It helps improve reaction control, focusing, and attention skills.

audio letters

Audio Letters

This is the easiest way to teach kids how to say the alphabet. Fun and challenging also help improve sustained attention and aural memory skills.

We hope you enjoyed our musical intelligence activities. For more fun music games and musical intelligence exercises for kids, download MentalUP for free.

Children can learn about music and play games with MentalUP, which is one of the best funny apps for kids, while parents track their performance and discover their strengths. 🎵

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2. Playing Musical Instruments

Musical Intelligence Activities for Preschoolers

Playing musical instruments is the best activity to improve your kids’ musical intelligence. So you need to create the space for younger children to engage with music through simple instruments such as rhythm sticks, drums, or tambourines.

If your kids are older you can boost their musical interests with different lessons from cello to guitar, piano, violin, and much more!

Moreover, whether you are a teacher or a parent, you can invite children to create their own instruments using everyday materials.

It will help them to differentiate the sounds the materials make, while having fun at the same time

3. Singing Together

Singing Activities for Children

All children enjoy music. Therefore, when they acquire aural skills, singing together in educational activities can be beneficial to support their echoic memory.

For example, rhyming words can help kids remember new concepts and school subjects or develop new language skills.

Also, adding some dance moves to these songs can engage kinesthetic abilities and help children to further express themselves with music.

Hence, you can sing together with children to improve their musical intelligence as you help them study any subject they need.

4. Writing Songs or Poetry

Musical Intelligence Definition

People with musical/rhythmic intelligence can recognize patterns and melody in things they are listening to. Therefore, writing songs or poems will help children to remember easily, boost their creativity, and music smart multiple intelligences.

So as you try to teach them a new concept, you can ask them to associate the information with a rhythm, whether it's a song or a poem.

5. Singing Contest

Signs of Musical Intelligence

Here’s a great classroom activity for children that includes songwriting and singing! Also, don’t forget that this alternative is among the most entertaining music games for kids.

  1. Pair your students in groups of three or four.
  2. Give the groups a topic word (e.g. "cycling") and ask them to come up with as many song lines that mention the word as they can in three minutes.
  3. When the time is up, each team will sing their lines together to the classroom.
  4. Continue until one team is not able to sing together as a team, then choose another topic word.

6. Going to Concerts

Musical Intelligence Activities

One of the great benefits of going to live music events is the opportunity to explore new sounds and expand children’s musical knowledge.

They can get inspired to develop their own musical talents as they watch other great musicians because they can observe the potential of their instrument.

Not to mention that concerts are a great family activity to enjoy together! 🥳 🙌

7. Music Box Game

Music Box Game

Here’s another fun classroom activity to engage kids in a musical production! Before continuing with the instructions, it is important to remind you that this is one of the best back to school activities!

  • Ask your students to stand next to each other in a circle while their eyes are closed.
  • Tap one student on the shoulder to start the game.
  • Ask the student to make a rhythmic sound such as ‘da dum, da dum, da dum’. And then, tap on their shoulders one by one, as they add their own sound to the group by singing in rhythm, clapping their hands or whistling.
  • The game should continue until all students have added their voices.

8. Using Music Apps

There are several music apps that can help to improve musical intelligence. Using these apps offers so much fun while giving kids a chance to express themselves more.

music apps for kids

Check out our article to find out which are the best music apps for kids! All of them are child-safe and provide maximum benefits to children with musical intelligence.

Famous People with Strong Musical Intelligence

Here are some examples of famous people with high musical intelligence:

Famous people with musical intelligence
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Cher
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Sarah Chang
  • Paul McCartney

Potential Career Choices

And lastly, here’s a list of potential career choices for children with strong musical intelligence:

  • Musician
  • Composer
  • Singer
  • Jingle writer
  • Music director
  • Music teacher
  • Conductor
  • Performing artist
  • Audio engineer

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