What is logical-mathematical intelligence, also known as the secret of geniuses? What kind of path can children follow if they want to increase their level of logical intelligence?

What is Logical Mathematical Intelligence?

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the ability to analyze situations or problems logically, identify solutions, conduct scientific research, and easily solve logical/mathematical operations. It is one of the eight multiple intelligence types proposed by Howard Gardner.

  1. Linguistic intelligence
  2. Mathematical intelligence
  3. Existential intelligence
  4. Naturalistic Intelligence
  5. Kinesthetic intelligence
  6. Musical intelligence
  7. Intrapersonal intelligence
  8. Spatial intelligence
  9. Social intelligence

People with a high level of numerical intelligence analyze their data by using logic and examining cause-effect relationships just as specified in logical mathematical intelligence definition.

They often do not work with subjective information — instead, they value clear facts and hard data. The ability to make conclusions and observations is also an important characteristic of individuals with mathematical intelligence. Although they sometimes give the impression that they are confused, their minds work like a computer in the background.

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Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Characteristics

Just like the other intelligence types, characteristics of logical-mathematical intelligence can be easily observed in people. Basically, these individuals are good at mathematical operations. Recognizing, reasoning, and analyzing the problems are easy for them. So, they are better at exams such as the Kangaroo Math Test.

multiple intelligence logical-mathematical characteristics

Here are the most common logical-mathematical intelligence characteristics of the people who have this intelligence type:

  • Excellent at thinking about numbers, patterns, and their relationship,
  • Great at solving complex math word problems and computations,
  • Tend to do scientific experiments,
  • Like to think about abstract ideas,
  • Exceptional analyzing skill,
  • Maximum organizational and classification abilities.

These are the characteristics for logical-mathematical intelligence, and those exceptional abilities can be helpful to identify which people have logical-mathematical intelligence.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Examples

Some people may know the types of intelligence theoretically, but logical-mathematical intelligence examples can make this easier to understand and identify.

examples of logical/mathematical intelligence

These examples of logical-mathematical intelligence below can show that if you, as an adult or your kid, can have logical-mathematical intelligence more clearly.

So, what are the most common logical-mathematical intelligence examples that can be familiar to you?

  • A child loves to play chess, strategic games, suitable card games for kids, and math games and is successful at them.
  • A person is interested in reading detective novels and enjoys watching crime fiction movies.
  • A student who likes to do scientific experiments and solve math problems and likely to get high scores on Math Kangaroo Past Papers. The student can happily spend his/her time with the subjects like electronics, accounts, logic, etc.
  • A person enjoys planning an event and organizing its budget with graphs, etc.
  • An adult is willing to take a risk in the stock market. This person can successfully manage his/her investments.

These kinds of examples of logical-mathematical intelligence are beneficial to evaluate if someone has logical-mathematical intelligence and determine the best teaching strategies accordingly.

There can be many more mathematical logical intelligence examples, but the main idea is, characteristics of mathematical logical intelligence are so apparent in these people's lives.

10 Activities to Improve Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Although there is a widespread belief that those who want to improve their logical intelligence should be very good at mathematics, this is not necessarily the case. All you need is the dedication to improve your logical-mathematical intelligence. Don’t forget this will also help you to improve your exam scores, such as the Math Kangaroo results.

Logical Mathematical Intelligence Develop

Developing logical intelligence is not as difficult as you think. People with high levels of logical intelligence are often described as “logical”, which means they can easily identify shapes and make connections between abstract concepts.

We have good news for those who don't know how to improve their logical mathematical intelligence potential! Here is the detailed answer to the question, “How to develop logical mathematical intelligence?” with extremely simple math activities for kids and apps to improve math skills for adults!

1. MentalUP

Test your child’s mental skills quickly and effectively to see their current logical mathematical intelligence level with MentalUP which is one of the best math websites for kids! Then, your child can start improving their skills with a range of logical mathematical intelligence questions, logic puzzles, and mind games.

activities to improve logical-mathematical intelligence

The award-winning MentalUP is one of the best logical-mathematical intelligence activities among other math apps for kids that they enjoy while developing their mental skills.

MentalUP, one of the best-rated games for children, was developed by academicians, pedagogues, and game designers. It contains lots of fun logical mathematical intelligence activities like mind exercises, math games, and brain teaser puzzles!

Do you also want to improve other multiple intelligence types your kid has? There is no need to find other apps because MentalUP offers 150+ learning games and brain exercises to support every intelligence type!


2. Solve Brain Puzzles

Almost everyone likes intelligence questions, riddles and puzzles. In fact, these exercises are just activities for mathematical logical intelligence in different forms.

mathematical logical intelligence exercises

Solving logic puzzles that increase your child’s logical thinking does not take much time and can be extremely enjoyable.

Here are some math activities for you full of puzzles: Math Puzzles! Enjoy them!

3. Play Board Games

Board games are a great way to develop strategic thinking skills and logical mathematical intelligence.

improving logical mathematical intelligence

They are beneficial as one of the adult logical-mathematical intelligence activities, just as for children. Not surprisingly, there are so many popular board games!

“Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences.” — Howard Gardner

4. Solve Riddles & Tricky Questions

logical-mathematical intelligence questions

You can improve your logical intelligence with tricky riddles with answers, tricky questions with answers or riddles for adults while having fun. They are very useful for enhancing our mental fitness and great logical/mathematical intelligence activities.

5. Write Stories

Outlining is one of the most excellent logical-mathematical multiple intelligence activities. With these kinds of writing activities for logical-mathematical intelligence, your children can work on their writing skills as well as their intelligence.

logical mathematical intelligence activities

Simply ask them to create an outline for a story, including the time passed between each entry, and make sure there are at least two sentences for each entry.

6. Do Scientific Experiments

logical-mathematical intelligence activity

Doing scientific experiments and engaging with STEM activities for kids is one of the best ways to develop logical-mathematical intelligence. Children who have logical-mathematical intelligence already tend to do scientific experiments to understand how things work because curiosity is one of their strongest characteristics.

7. Learn Coding

Coding is one of the most excellent examples of logical-mathematical intelligence activities.

develop logical-mathematical intelligence

It requires using so many skills at the same time, like problem-solving, math, language, etc., so kids can discover their abilities in the world of coding even at such a young age!

You can check our article about Top 20 Learning Apps for Kids to find out the best coding games list. Feel free to pick any one of them!

8. Conduct a Survey

It may sound like it is not a game, but conducting a survey can be one of the most interesting logical-mathematical intelligence math game activities for kids!

activities for logical-mathematical intelligence

It requires more than one skill at the same time like math, categorizing, and communication.

Courage your kids to find spot-on questions about the topic they choose. Then they can organize answers and turn them into logical results by using data graphs.

9. Classify Various Objects

Here is one of the very beneficial logical-mathematical intelligence activities for preschoolers. Also, don’t forget that this alternative is among the best problem-solving activities for kids.

logical-mathematical intelligence activities for preschoolers

You can realize that your children have logical mathematical intelligence even before their school ages. If so, you can benefit from this exercise that focuses on logical mathematical intelligence.

Ask your kid to classify various objects. You may want them to organize the items by their sizes, colors, shapes, etc. You can point to two different features simultaneously to make this game more challenging, like putting the red and square objects to the right and blue and oval ones to the left.

Do Research Projects

This exercise can be one of the best logical-mathematical intelligence activities for reading and organizing what they learn!

logical-mathematical intelligence activities for reading

All kids who have logical mathematical intelligence enjoy doing research projects usually. You can turn this interest into a fun project!

Choose a topic with your kids that can be interesting for them. It can be related to planets, animals, or anything they prefer. Tell them to collect enough information, then create and organize some worksheets! You can guide younger kids if they need your help.

Study Tips for Logical Mathematical Learning Style

Logical mathematical learning style is ideal for learners who are methodical and think in linear order. Logical-mathematical learning style refers to one's ability to analyze cause and effect relationships, reason, solve problems, and learn using numbers and abstract visual information. You can benefit from the tips below to prepare for math kangaroo, to take the 8 plus exam, or other tests.

Here are some study tips for logical learners:

  • Learners with logical-mathematical learning ability learn best using visual materials, laptops, and hands-on projects.
  • They need a structure with rules, goals, and procedures since they sometimes struggle with ambiguity.
  • Some of the goals can be short-term, but you also need to encourage them to think holistically and come up with long-term goals. You may get a planner to plan the days, weeks, and months and track their progress.
  • Work with them to find out in what order they would like to work on their subjects and create a calendar they can easily follow.
  • Highlighters can be very helpful to them in identifying the most important parts of reading. Also, timelines that list out the facts in a heavy reading are a great way to keep your logical learner engaged. The clean structure and organization allow them to learn the subject easily.
  • Try to encourage their learning process with problem-solving and categorization to help them achieve their goals.
  • Logical-mathematical learners love making and looking at maps, charts, outlines, and graphs. You can help their process by breaking down large chunks of information into charts and graphs.
  • For logical learners who struggle to write, ask them to create an outline for themselves. This will help them bring smaller details into big-picture ideas.

Fun Logical Mathematical Intelligence Questions & Games

There are many options to help your child raise their logical intelligence level - logical and emotional intelligence games, and kindergarten math games are the most fun and effective.

With the gamified exercises below, your child can start to increase their logical mathematical intelligence potential and other multiple intelligence areas. 👇️🎉️

fun intelligence question

You need high mathematical intelligence potential to finish this game!

question of scientific intelligence

Let’s test and improve your logical mathematical potential with a fun game.


This magical ball is trying to hide from keen eyes! Can you find it using your logical intelligence?

logic question

With mathematical intelligence games, children can develop their logical thinking, mathematical skills.

10 Famous Person With Logical Mathematical-Intelligence

When you look at the world of science, art, and technology, it is quite easy to come across famous people with logical-mathematical intelligence. The unique combination of their intelligence, strengths, and weaknesses has made them into incredibly successful people.

Here are some people with famous logical-mathematical intelligence:

Albert Einstein

Einstein, a great figure in modern science, who had a high level of multiple intelligences as well as logical mathematical intelligence.

Albert Einstein Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Stephen Hawking

The most known logical-mathematical intelligence famous person, is British physicist Stephen Hawking.

Stephen Hawking Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Thomas Edison

Edison, a very famous person whose intelligence is logical-mathematical, invented the light bulb.

Thomas Edison Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Johannes Kepler

Among famous people with logical-mathematical intelligence Kepler is one of the most significant names, as a German astronomer and mathematical genius who lived in the 17th century.

Johannes Kepler Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Bill Gates

One of the most famous people mathematical intelligence is Gates, the founder of the most widely used operating systems, Windows and Microsoft.

Bill Gates Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is one of the most famous logical-mathematical intelligence learners.

Mark Zuckerberg Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Marian Diamond

Diamond is a noted researcher and writer in the field of neuroanatomy.

Marian Diamond Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Paul Erdös

Paul Erdös, one of the most famous mathematicians, contributed many mathematical theories with his mathematical logical intelligence.

Paul Erdös Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Jedediah Buxton

Buxton is known for his incredible ability of mental calculations.

Jedediah Buxton Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Bertrand Russell

Russell is a well-known English logician and mathematician, famous for his success in metaphysics, language and philosophy, and many more.

Bertrand Russell Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Logical Mathematical Intelligence Careers

Logical-mathematical intelligence careers offer so many opportunities to children in the digital world we live in. As you can see in the list below, choosing a job among mathematical intelligence careers can be the key to a happy work-life for kids with logical mathematical intelligence.

Don’t forget that some careers for logical-mathematical intelligence require to have other intelligence types as well.

Here are the most suitable logical-mathematical intelligence careers for children:

  • Computer Engineer/Programmer/Technician
  • Software Engineer
  • System Analyst
  • Network Analyst
  • Database Specialist/Designer
  • Engineer (Electrical, Construction, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial)
  • Accounting Specialist
  • Finance Specialist
  • Finance and Investment Consultant
  • Mathematics Specialist
  • Statistician
  • Architect/Interior Architect
  • Physicist
  • Astronomy Specialist/Astronomer
  • Doctor/Nurse/Paramedic/Pharmacist

As data and analytics play an ever-greater role in our lives, the variety of job careers for logical-mathematical intelligence can increase day by day.

Remember, it can be spot-on that people with high logical mathematical intelligence choose careers with logical-mathematical intelligence required. But also, those who develop themselves in this type of intelligence with math jokes for kids and adults or math games can easily succeed in many areas we listed.

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MentalUP offers 150+ brain games to sharpen your logical-mathematical intelligence, as well as other types of intelligence you have. 🥳🎊

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